The competent authority may impose any of the following punishments on any student found guilty of any of the acts of indiscipline or misconduct and violation of General and Academic Rules and Regulation of the institute.
For Level 1 of Misconduct and Indiscipline
- Expulsion from the institute and/ or hostel.
- Rustication up to four semester period and/or declaring the entire MIET Campus out of bounds.
- Fine up to Rs. 50,000/-. (In case of Ragging as per Supreme Court ruling)
- Logging of FIR with the Police.
For Level 2 of Misconduct and Indiscipline and Violation of General and Academic Rules and Regulations
- Admonition/ Reprimand and submission of bond or affidavit on Rs. 10/- stamp paper duly notarized.
- Deduction of marks from General Proficiency Marks and Teacher Assessment Marks.
- Fine up to Rs. 20,000/-
- Recovery of any kind, such as scholarship/fellowship, any dues, cost of damages etc.
- Withdrawal of any or all facilities available to a student as per, MIET Rules (such as Scholarship/Fellowship, hostel etc.)
- Suspension from the institute for a specific period.